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Your privacy while using this site

August 1, 2022


This statement is in addition to the HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices. It contains information about your privacy while using this site. 


1. Types of information collected through this site

I do not ask for or collect any personally identifying information from you through this site (for example, name, phone number, credit card information, etc.). 


That said, this site is hosted on the platform, which allows me to advertise my services to you. Wix places essential cookies related to system stability, monitoring, effectiveness and debugging. If you'd like more clarity on this, you can also read Wix's privacy policy.


You should also know that third-party services, like Google Analytics or other applications offered through the Wix App Market, may place cookies or use other tracking technologies through Wix´s services. They will have their own policies regarding how they collect and store information. Since these are external services, their practices are not covered by either this privacy statement or the Wix Privacy Policy. 


2. Your browser history

While the following doesn't relate to this site specifically and may be a bit of a digression, you might also want to be aware of your privacy as it relates to your browser history. ​Using private browsing (aka incognito mode) blocks cookies as well as website login info. Technically, it can prevent others who might use your computer later to easily view your browsing history, though that information is still retrievable because your browser isn’t the only thing that reads the data you send and receive over the internet. If this is a concern for you, you can learn more here


3. Your options regarding use of your data

If you don't want to accept cookies from this (or any) website, you have a right to refuse them.


In some cases, refusing cookies might affect your ability to continue using a site, or it could affect a website's ability to work the way it's supposed to (for example, on a shopping site, cookies enable you to keep items in your cart while you look for more things to buy). However, most of the time it shouldn't make any difference at all to your browsing experience.


You can learn more here about refusing and deleting cookies. Or you can check the Help section of your browser.



​​More general policies related to both of our online privacy


The following policies also will apply to our online interaction between sessions.


1. Email: Email is not a secure method of communication, and I do not encourage its use as a method of communication between sessions.


As a general practice, if you need to contact me between sessions, I ask that you use the online portal. If your message is time-sensitive, you can contact me by phone, though I can't guarantee when I'll receive your message. If you must email, please do not include any information that you consider private in any email message. ​


2. Texting/messaging: Once again, because privacy is far from assured when using SMS text messaging or messaging on social networking sites, I discourage using these and other means of online engagement to contact me. 


3. Friending/following on social media: I will not accept friend or contact requests on any social networking site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.), as this could compromise your confidentiality in terms of the therapeutic nature of our relationship.


I also will not look at your online activity without your consent and our explicit arrangement toward a specific purpose that is related to our work together.


4. Search engines: Similarly, it is not my practice to search for clients online. If an unforeseen circumstance occurs in which looking you up online becomes necessary to ensuring your safety, I will document and discuss it with you. Otherwise, you can rest assured that I will not be looking you up on search engines, social media, or people search sites. 


5. Provider review sites: Sites like Yelp, Healthgrades, Vitals, ZocDoc, and Google use search engines to find providers to list on their sites without the providers' knowledge or approval. Please be aware that:

  • I do not create profiles for these sites or solicit endorsements from my clients, as it is prohibited by the social workers' code of ethics, and

  • by commenting on these sites you would risk disclosing the private nature of our working relationship. ​


This privacy policy may be modified at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on this website.


If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact me at 503-908-2708.

General Privacy
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